
Mobispine is an IP-based technology called Mobile Instant Messaging. This means that information, in the form of text, pictures, or sound, can be sent between mobile phones using the Internet rather than SMS. Unlike SMS, you no longer have a limit of just 160 characters, and you can see your conversation history. Since Mobispine works using the Internet, you can always see who is online at any time. Mobispine is also spyware free, and virus safe.


This sounds great! What does it cost?
While Mobispine's service is free, your mobile operator may charge you for the data sent and received. However, the amount of data in just one message is so small that you could send the equivalent of about 500 SMS, and still not expect to pay more than about €1.

To explain, if you have Mobispine running all the time for an entire month, and send/receive 1000 messages you probably consume about 0,5MB of data. Your operator will charge you for this data transfer. For instance, if your operator charges you €2/MB you will end up paying €1 for all these messages. If you used SMS to send 500 messages, at a price of €0.20/SMS, it would cost you €100!

Compared to other mobile IM services that charge you to use IM, the Mobispine service uses only a fraction of GPRS traffic thanks to the usage of optimized sockets rather than HTTP. This means that the information is compressed, and allows Mobispine to use less than 1/5th of the GPRS traffic compared to most other IM services. Since you never need to make any payments to Mobispine, you will never have to to enter credit card details.

More info: www.mobispine.com

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