Take your Picture adding & manipulate them on the fly.
from version 0.72 also works on N-Gage (just edit mode)
from version 0.78 you can save your photos up to 1600 x 1200
pixels if you have enough free RAM ..
now you can also apply/undo filters after picture is taken or
manipulate an external one by loading it from photoalbum
# Usage Keys:
# 0 Zoom/Crop switch
# # custom mask select
# * Filters settings
# 1 - Mirror Vert switch
# 2 - Mirror Horz switch
# 3 - Bright/Contrast and Automatic filters activation
# 4 - FishEye Lens Vert on/off
# 5 - FishEye Lens Horz on/off
# 7 - Overlay Mask switch
# up - Increase Zoom
# dn - Decrease Zoom
# left - Decrease H Zoom
# right - Increase H Zoom
# fire - take/discard picture
# c - discard photo - reset fx (no fx) - reset Bright/Contras
to default (depending on contest)